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So you can learn the secrets of credit repair. For free.

Rising Tides Is Rated Excellent (8.5 out of 10 based on 1,200 reviews)

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*limited time only*

  • Credit education
  • Over 25 pages of information
  • Completely free

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By clicking the SUBMIT button, you consent for Rising Tides Inc. to recieve your information to be used to open your credit repair account.

How it Works

Once you sign up with Rising Tides we start working to remove negative items from your credit report immediately. Watch your scores grow with each of the credit bureau(s). Enable autopay and see what a difference we can make.

Sign up

Join millions using services like Rising Tides to correct grow your credit score. It takes less than 5 minutes to make an account.

We dispute and challenge negative accounts

To start removing negative and erronous information.

Sit back, and relax

While we do all the work behind the scenes, you can sit back, relax, and upload your responses from the bureaus to your client portal.

See what credit is costing you

View your score beside some of the most popular loan and credit types. You could be paying thousands extra in interest.
Credit score
Average loan amount --
800 - 850
Very Good
740 - 799
670 - 739
580 - 669
300 - 579
Very Good
Average Interest Cost
Monthly Payment
Average Interest Cost --
Monthly Payment --

See how credit repair can help you save

Call us Get started

Understanding the credit repair process

After account creation

Your representative discusses with you your credit repair plan of action. After viewing your credit score, we will carefully determine what accounts are wrongfully and negatively impacting your scores.

Challenges and disputes

Next, we ask the bureaus and your creditors to verify these negative items as accurate and fair. If they can’t, they are required to remove them.

We manage and monitor

As you work to manage your credit, we continue to leverage consumer law for your credit, addressing new credit issues as they appear.

Get started for 50% off today

*signing up will not negatively impact your credit score

Real people. Real reviews.

Hear how Rising Tides has helped to change lives.


The guys at Rising Tides have went above and beyond to help me get my credit in order.... I have never had someone so eager to help me as Tim... He goes out of his way to check in with me and let me know how things are going... Even when we dont have anything going he still takes the time to contact me and see how i am doing in general...I have never had customer service like that anywhere... when they started with me my credit was bad... they have turned it around for me and opened up alot of doors that I never thought would be possible.... I greatly appreciate them and I am super grateful to be working with them.

Heath Greathouse


Rising Tides helps finances make sense. It's a one of a kind tool that can help anyone with no credit or bad credit reconcile and start building. One of the most effective credit building tools i've ever owned.

Tim Wolfe


I was unable to get a house or a car, due to lack of credit history. I started using Rising Tides to help build my credit profile, and after 7 months, I now have a 700 credit score and a new car!

Tequilla Linton


Rising Tides is a godsend of a company! The Co-founder Kane is an extraordinarily dedicated, hardworking, and intelligent advocate. He helped me navigate repairing my credit in a sustainable way tailored to my unique situation and it has unlocked so much for me personally and for my social enterprise. Him and his team are as knowledgeable as it gets in this field and they are constantly expanding what they offer. Kane is also an entrepreneur who cares deeply about his community of Portsmouth, and that is evident in so much of what he invests his time, resources, and bandwidth into. Couldn't recommend Rising Tides more!

Taylor Golden


Years ago I had a 800 & ruined my credit became a cash guy & learned a lot the hard way after 3 years with Lexington law loyally they didn’t do much for me I ended up rolling with Rising Tides & taking a gamble within 2 months having old hospital bills & old student loans being turned in against me pulling my credit down Snatch's methods helped me. I was drowning in bad credit & already have a 100 point increase the proof is in the pudding I highly recommend their program. If you buy into their program you will thank me later take my word for it here’s the results back to back 50 point increases on my way back into the 800s in no time just watch.

Brandon Osborne


Rising Tides has fundamentally changed how I view my finances! I started snatch credit with a 500 credit score, and no understanding of finances. After starting 4 months ago I have almost a 700 credit score!

Robby Swaro


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