
with Rising Tides Inc.

Our team is seeking like minded individuals with a diverse skill set. Whether it's finance or technology, we want you to work with us.

Current job listings

All job listings are updated as positions are filled. We are a diverse team of experienced professionals from finance and technology who value imagination, humility, inclusion and fairness. Apply today!

Sales professional

As a sales professional, you will be directly affecting the growth of Rising Tides. Using affiliate marketing, referall links, and expert communication skills you will facilitate more users joining Snatch builder or Credit repair.

Applications will be reviewed within 24 hours.

Data Analyst

A large part of our company and operations revolves Around data. Data analysts are always needed to help verify and improve the company so we can better the user experience.

Applications will be reviewed within 24 hours.

Software engineer

Looking for developers who are experienced in the following languages:

  • Ruby on rails
  • Python
  • Javascript
  • Go
  • C#
  • and more!

    Applications will be reviewed within 24 hours.

    UI/UX Developers

    We need to improve upon the user experience as much as possible, wherever possible. A great front end and stratedgy is imperative.

    Applications will be reviewed within 24 hours.