Need money for your business?
Build your credit.

Learn about funding options, your fundability and get access to software and coaching from our employees.

Get Started
Business credit friends

Proven & Tested Method to
Access Money

We’ve helped hundreds of businesses use a holistic approach to financing. We help you understand & improve over 125 Fundability Factors™, establish and use your business credit, and match you with brokers and lenders to get loans and credit lines.

Understand & Improve your Fundability

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Establish & Utilize Business Credit

Lorem ipsum dolor amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, diam nonu eirmod tem invidunt.

Access Business loans & Credit Lines

Lorem ipsum dolor amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, diam nonu eirmod tem invidunt.

Business credit is different from personal.

If you have good personal credit that is great. But your business no matter what filing, has it's own credit score you'll need to build too.

Press the button below to learn more about building business credit.

Learn more

Establish and utilize your business revenue

Sign up

Once signed up, our team will schedule a discovery call.

Assess business needs

Once you've explained what your goals are, we do a deep dive and create a plan custom for you to make sure we can accomplish your goals.

Credit Coaching

Throughout the process, one of our credit coaches will schedule weekly/bi-weekly calls so you always stay on track.

Start building your business, without spending your own money.

Rising Tides Business Credit can help you get funding comfortably. We check hundreds of data factors about your business, to make sure you get the best rates everytime.

Sign up

Access Real

Buying Power


Understanding & improving your fundability is the key to qualifying and getting financing approvals. We dive deep into over 125 factors of your business.

Taylor Golden



Business Credit

Business credit is more than just applying for vendors and never using them. Access hundreds of accounts that help establish your business credit profile to help you leverage your business credit into more financing and better Fundability™

Taylor Golden

Business Funding

Scale your business

Business Funding

Get loans, vehicle financing, and more with good Fundability™ and business credit. We match you with the right lending source for your business directly from the business finance suite.

Meet Our
Business Credit Team

With a collective of 10 years experience in the credit industry, we are a very experienced team!

Kane Traylor

Business funding Solutions Manager

Abigail Runyon

Head of Credit Building Solutions

John Lykins

Director of Business credit coaching

Fill out this form to get started

Takes less than 2 minutes

  • See your Fico scores for free
  • Free Credit Report Summary
  • Free credit consultation and review

First Name
Last Name
Mobile Phone

By clicking the SUBMIT button, you consent for Rising Tides Inc. to recieve your information to be used to open your credit repair account.