Your credit score is your financial report card for the world to see.

Let us help you improve your financial report card.

“Being in the finance industry for years, we know the importance of a good credit score. We've faced the same credit building obstacles that you have! We created Tides to help you better navigate your credit score."

- The Tides Team


Kane Traylor

Chief Executive Officer

Abigail Runyon

Director Of Operations

John Lykins

Director Of Sales

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

To get your credit score raised of course.

One of the biggest barriers to adulthood is your ability to finance things due to lack of credit history, or positive tradelines. Most people we knew at 18-19 already had derogatory accounts on their reports. It is egregious. So we started Tides so we could help our friends and family clear up credit reports. One thing lead to another and now we are helping over 2,000 people as of June 22nd, 2023.
As exciting as it all is, and always stressful we are still as dedicated as ever to making sure we can give you the help you need. Our biggest motto that we (actually) live by is that your needs come first, before profit margins. If you sign up with us you'll see that. The fastest way to success is to care about your clients. :)

You can read more educational content in our Blog anytime.

Join over 2,000 accounts

Safe and Secure credit rebuilding.

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